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Crazy Times for Common Sense

I can't believe we are going on day 204 of having our lives shut down from what we used to know as normal - gone are the days of running the kids to school, meeting up with friends for coffee, leisurely strolling thru a store.  Our days now run together, with very little separation to mark work/school/home life.  It's now a major victory when I get to go to the grocery store without company - the once arduous task is now something to look forward to! We moved into our new home in June, 6 weeks after schools closed and my husband started working from home.  As I unpacked and got things settled I noticed a very different mood in our neighborhood, there were no kids playing outside together, there was very little noise anywhere - quarantine was in full effect.  While we didn't have a strict lockdown going on, we did have a mandate in place that required we wear masks at all times out in public, stores and businesses were closed, restaurants were pick-up only.  It was so strang

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